Thursday, September 12, 2013

A New Season: Friendship.

We recently moved from Minnesota to Michigan. Although I have lived here in Michigan once before for a short time (8 years ago), this time around I am in a new season of life, and a different location in the city.

So here I am again starting over. Searching for connections. Praying for new friendships. Dealing with the loneliness of limited adult interaction. While I have several, long distance girlfriends now- not having that face to face girlfriend time can be hard!

Maybe you find yourself in a new season looking for friendship too? Sometimes, in the natural ebb and flow of life and family, you can find yourself in this season without having moved to a different state. Whatever the reason, I understand.

It can be hard to put yourself out there and make new connections with other women. To be vulnerable. Frankly, its a little bit uncomfortable! For me, it feels like dating again. Blech!

As women, we can be critical. Too hard on ourselves and on others. We don't make it easy!
(Please understand I am making generalizations here....)

We compare.
We all have insecurities.
We get offended too easily.
We often let emotions and feelings take over.
We have a tendency to gossip.
We have a tendency to form groups or "cliques" and can be exclusive.

In the past, female friendships have been tricky for me. Growing up, I didn't have solid, faith based female friendships modeled for me. I didn't know how to be a friend, so unfortunately I was a terrible friend to many lovely ladies. I let rejection by friends as a young teen form a stronghold in my life that kept me from forming deep friendships for a very long time.

As I have grown in my faith, and prayed more about learning to be a good friend, God has taught me so much about what that looks like through his love. His grace. And he has placed people in my life in just the right season to show me what true faith based friendship looks like. It breathed life into me. Encouragement. Love. Support.

There is nothing like it girlfriend!

As I look back on my time in Minnesota, I am encouraged for the future here in Michigan.

God answered my prayers for friendship far beyond anything I could have imagined in my six years there!

Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

So friend, if you find yourself in a similar situation of without and waiting on friendships: be encouraged. God is able to do beyond all you can ask or think or imagine! And he is ALWAYS faithful.

So seek Him in the waiting. 
Discover what He has for you right in this place you find yourself in. 
Trust that he values you so much, that he gave his son for you. He knows the desires of your heart.
Put yourself out there! Join a small group and get plugged into a church.

This article over at the inCourage blog spoke to my heart about this matter too, if you need some more wisdom on the subject.

Blessings to you!

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