Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Meditation

Well hello again!

Welcome to the start of another week.

There is no better way to start a Monday (in my opinion) than meditating on a portion of scripture.

Even if you are a busy person who hasn't figured out how to schedule in some quiet time with the Lord, I highly recommend choosing a verse that stands out to you and putting in in front of you all week.

Write the verse(s) on a notecard and put a copy in your purse, in your car, on the fridge, or maybe on your mirror.

When you keep it in front of you all week, you will be surprised at how God will make his word come alive to you during your day to day life. At the same time, you will have it memorized and when you need it the most the Holy Spirit will bring it back to you and use it again.

Its true! There is nothing more powerful and encouraging than the truth of God's word.

Today's verse that I am sharing with you has been at the top of my mind lately.

There are lots of people in my life that are going through rough circumstances or desert seasons.

I know all can relate to that!

In the midst of a trying season, when you are experiencing all sorts of hurts and/or difficulties it is a natural response to look for answers or a way out.

We want to blame someone and oftentimes, unfortunately, we blame and question God and his goodness.

John 10:10 reminds us that it is the enemy who is the cause of our misery. Anything that happens in your life that falls under the categories of steal, kill, or destroy is straight from the devil. It is not from God.

You will never be more prone to an attack than when you are on the wilderness road on the way to God's promise and plan for your life. 
-Beth Moore

I have noticed that some of the most trying and difficult times in my life have been when I am seeking God's will for my life and taking steps of obedience into his plan and purposes. The enemy's voice in my ear is loud, sometimes deafening. Stealing my peace and joy.

Maybe you aren't in a place where you are seeking the Lord's will and you are in the midst of difficulty, feeling hurt and defeated. The enemy wants nothing more for you than to keep you right where you are at.

Feeling angry.

The wonderful thing is that it doesn't have to be that way for you. When you are in Christ the enemy has been overcome and you have authority to tell him to get out and leave you alone!

John 10:10 reemphasizes this point. It states the kind of life God intends for us to live in him.

John 10:10
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [a]overflows).

Jesus wants you to live a rich, full, and satisfying life.

He wants you to have an abundant life. Until it overflows!

I looked up the definition of abundant just to give you a clearer picture:

    1. Abundant- existing or available in large quantities; plentiful
      Synonyms include: huge, great, rich, lavish, profuse, teeming, large

      I am all for some of that abundant, lavish, FULL life in Jesus! 
What about you?

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