Is anyone still out there?
I understand if my small audience has abandoned ship. Its been a quiet few (THREE?!? Oh goodness.) months around here.
But I am back today to do some explaining.
You see, I have some happy news to share:
Please excuse me looking like a hot mess in this picture. My little miss was quite over having pictures taken at this point and would do nothing but sit on my lap. Sigh. She has a mind of her own!
Yes. That's right. Come October we will be a family of FOUR!!!
We are beyond thrilled. And so very thankful.
I am still wrapping my head around it!
But you see, pregnancy has not been good to me. Much like my first pregnancy, I was very very sick for a solid eight weeks this time around. (A good 12 weeks less than last time-PTL!)
It was awful. I was barely functioning. Lost 5lbs.
Thankfully, I am coming out of the fog and feeling MUCH better now!
But for that reason- this blog and my lofty bloggy aspirations were/are on the back burner for a time.
So thank you for bearing with me and for also celebrating with us in this new season of life.
We are so excited for what God has in store for our family!
A BIG thank you to my sweet friend Sarah at Mirror Image Photography for the lovely pictures and helping us share the news!
Yeah!!! We are all excited!!!