Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year

My dear blogging friend Christa recently wrote about the Art of Saying "tot ziens", which is dutch for "see you later".

Her post resonated with me and has caused me to evaluate the state of things in my life as I begin this new year. Certainly there are habits/attitudes/practices/thoughts I need to say "tot ziens" to in order to begin 2014 with a fresh perspective and outlook.

Well the first "see you later" was my old blog design, as you may have noticed. I am still tweaking it just a bit, so bear with me through it! I am praying 2014 will bring some fun new changes to the look of this blog- so stay tuned!

Secondly, I want to say "see you later"to my pitiful blogging habits of the last few months. I am still developing a rhythm of blogging and finding my voice and deciding all I want to share in this space.

I hope this year to continue to share what God has laid on my heart, but I would like to add some posts to the blog in order to share with you some things I really love, such as DIY projects, recipes, and book reviews.

I have a really great project to share with you later this week already- I built a farmhouse table over the Christmas break!

Finally, I want to say "see you later" to self-doubt and fear. This is what has kept me from being a better blogger/wife/mother/friend in the past. As a woman, its a hard thing to overcome- but I am determined to say "see you later" to those insecurities and walk into what God has for me in 2014.

I have been loving this verse from Isaiah recently:

Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it andwill you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

I am excited for this fresh start of a new year and the new thing God is doing!

Thank you for joining me in the journey!

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