Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Choosing a name.

Choosing a name for this blog was quite a tricky thing.

Between picking something that felt inspired, gave the reader some idea of subject matter, and finding a name that wasn't already taken, it proved to be quite a challenge.

I wanted to give a little bit of background in order to maybe give you a bit of insight into me and where this little blog is headed, so here is how My Grace-Full Life came to be!

To get the full story, let's rewind here a little to before I was a mom. Let me give you a picture of who I was at that time:

Working in corporate America.
A total career woman and corporate ladder climber.
Traveling at least three days a week. Every week.
Did NOT want to ever NOT be working.
Involved in church a limited amount- as much as I could be with my schedule.

My priorities were all messed up. Work consumed my life. It was where I found my identity and security. I spent most of my time working. I had no desire to be a mom. I didn't put my husband as first priority and was not serving him the way I should.
I was overly critical of others. Judgmental and prideful.
It wasn't pretty.

It probably seemed like I had it all together from the outside. I had a great job, husband, house, I belonged to a great church where I was seeking the Lord and working on maturing in my faith.

But God knew I needed something more.

A change of heart. A change of attitude. A different place to find my identity.

And then I got pregnant and had my sweet girl, Grace. My life flipped upside down.

I quit my job.
Everything I used to do/have was stripped away.
I realized how much of my security and identity was found in my job/paycheck and not in God.

And I promptly freaked out. For the first nine months of her life I was a mess inside.

It was a scary place for me! To confront some of the idols, fears, and unforgiveness that was resulting in a sense of false security. To recognize some strongholds in my life. To realize what it means to totally and completely rely on the Lord.

And on top of all that- I was figuring out how to be a mom. Whoa.

It felt overwhelming!

But the miraculous thing is that God changed my heart. Revealed to me his love in a new way. Showed me what his grace really looks like lived out. I found a new purpose.

And slowly I came back to life. It is a new season for me, filled with more joy and peace than I could have ever imagined. My faith has been stretched and expanded. I know Him better than I did before.

Life is so much better and more fulfilling for me now and I wouldn't go back to what I was for anything.

Now, please understand, this is still a process I'm going through and I still struggle at times. But I've come a long way!

So that is where the inspiration for the blog name came from.

I had Grace. (My daughter)
God showed me what true grace looks like, and I'm learning how to extend that same grace to others.
My life is anything but graceful. I am always making mistakes and letting emotions get the better of me-but I'm learning and growing!

My prayer is that this blog blesses someone out there as I share bits of my Grace-filled journey. Your path/experiences may not look exactly like mine- but that's ok! We can all learn something from each other and find encouragement along the way.
Thanks for reading!

2 Corinthians 12:9 (AMP)
But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!

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